Maybe you are an avid reader or one who is driven by curiosity to skim through the names of some of the books to read in 2021. Students from management, technology, business and other realms may find a slew of options floating beside them. But it’s really hard to pick a few of the best reads out of them. Supplementary reading is good at every level and in every stream. It presents endless benefits

  1. Gives you a global perspective of industry leaders
  2. Acquaints you with evolving business ideas, concepts and values
  3. Enrich your vocabulary and industry-related terminology
  4. Inspires you to stand against contrary beliefs
  5. Instigate your curiosity to think and act differently


All in all, reading core management books can turn you into a completely different being, ready to enter in the corporate world. These books are advised in top management colleges. Let’s take a look at these books.


5 Must Read Books for Management Graduates

Man’s Search For Meaning Viktor E. Frankl

Explicating the condition of the world during WW2, Viktor E. Frankl presents that how concentration camps scratched open the human soul to expose its depths. The book talks about his time spent in concentration camps of Nazi Germany during World War II in the first half and Logotherapy & suffering during the holocaust in the second half. It talks about an existential vacuum that man should not ask the reason of life but rather dig through it to find one.

First Break All the Rules Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman‎

Lying under the category of longtime bestseller in the management category, First Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently (1999) is a must-read for management students. It comprises of an interview series of around 80k managers from top Fortune 500 companies working on different profiles and goes around the central idea, i.e., how best managers handle employees. After analyzing the Data trends, the fact that all great managers have waived some stringent rules to bring out their team’s potential.

“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”

It’s one of the most effective books on sales and business out there. The book talks about psychological tactics that can leave an influential impact on customers. Six Principles of Influence that the author talked about in this book are Reciprocation, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, and Authority. These natural psychological tendencies of humans make them better salespeople.

Made in America Sam Walton

The book is an autobiography written by the founder of Walmart, Sam Walton in which he explains how he managed to survive and become a billion-dollar empire. Through this book, he talks about how he grew as a business person. His ideas like “Good artists copy, great artists steal” and “Always put the customer first” are appreciated by business personalities all around the world. Featuring himself as a paragon of the American Dream, his unbiased approach and hard work allowed him to survive and thrive in the highly competitive industry. Reading it would fill the raw students with an enthusiasm to prove their potential and do something with their lives.

The Lean Startup – Eric Ries 

The lean startup concocts an arrangement of scientific and systematic lean manufacturing strategies. The strategies explained in the book can produce viable results for all from startups to established businesses. In this book, Eric Ries elucidates the working of sales- what customers want, production cycle, time frame to keep a check on things. If you are willing to build entrepreneurial thinking, the book would give you the right direction.

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