Introduction: The high level of development of modern science & technology the constantly increasing impact of human economic activity on the environment. The country now stands that many current problems as social, political & cultural situations resulting in violence and destruction under these circumstances, the need for human value-oriented education is emerging especially in India.


The Growth & Development of Ethics & values need of the day. Now at this time we have many problems in the society. Due to this reason to focus more and involve and implement the different types of traditions, customs in society. There is more value for our culture and throughout the world. The growth of our culture will focus on Indian Ethics and values At this time we have a gradual erosion of values, which is reflected in day to day life. our young generations have negative aspects of western culture. Truth, peace non-violence, is the core universal values that can be identified as the foundation. Indian Ethics will play a very important role in the development of the culture of the country.


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Why important ethical values? Indian culture plays an important role in inculcating ethical values. Indian Human values gave more importance to the right to happiness for all human beings. Indian culture is different in society & with diversity in religion and their customs we live with unity.



Meaning of term Values: Values means primarily to the prize, to esteem, to appraise, to estimate. A value stands for ideas men live for. The term value literally means “to be of worth” Just as Prize. We today use the term-value as literary value, democratic value, lifetime value. Values are abstract and multidimensional and present an idea for the members of the society to shape their personalities. In the words of John Dewey, “the value means primarily to prize, to esteem, to appraise and to estimate. It means the act of achieving something.


Categories of human values: Human values may be categorized as follows-


Intellectual values: knowledge, Divergent & Convergent thinking, Critical observation, inquiry & investigation, creative thinking, scientific attitude & Critical observation.


Moral values: Devotion to duty, Self-control, Honesty, Sincerity, patriotism.


Personal values: Honesty, self-worth, sincerity, truth, co-operation.


Social values: Punctuality, good manners, art & culture respect, co-operation, tolerance.


Indian Culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. Indian Civilization reflected own culture.


Unity in Diversity:-India is a land of unity. Unity is a diversity that has the equal treatment of all the religions present in India. Unity in diversity has also become the strength of India.


Secularism: The word secularism means equality, impartiality, etc towards all religions. As we know India is a secular country that gives us equal treatment of all the religions present in India.


Process of Human values education: Generally in India, genuine knowledge is considered to be the result of Sravana thinking or reflecting and then making it a part of one’s personality. Then it is said that three ought to be a congruence between mana, vacation and karma, etc between what one thinks, what one speaks, & what one does. It is said that knowledge leads to awareness, awareness builds the right perception and attitude which leads to action.


Human values in ancient India & Present Scenario: In ancient India value education known as cultural education or moral education or ethical spiritual education India it was called Dharma. In ancient India Vedas the Upanishads, the epics manifested and upheld the values of Indian society. More importance was given to morality, honesty, duty, truth, friendship, brotherhood, etc. But in the present scenario due to the many changes in various aspects of our civilization such as population explosion, the advancement of science & technology, knowledge expansion, rapid industrialization mobilization privatization, and globalization as well as the influence of western culture. Nowadays present society has become a highly dynamic modernization process accompanied by multifold problems and anxieties growing global poverty, pollution, hunger, disease, unemployment unsociability, caste system child labor, gender equality, violence disability & many such evils have caused value crises on the globe.


Human values are needed for the day: As we know that human value is the need of the day. If the student has to be taught values, first the teacher has to teach values, and the teacher’s value training program should be given top priority for the success of value education. This is because the student learns values mainly from the actual behavior of the teacher who lives the values himself. The purpose of this paper as the very title suggests is to present a program proposal for the teaching of educating the teachers and parents with regard to the value education of students.


Good teacher +Good student = Good Nation: Teachers can use the literature to shape the lives of children with a vision for themselves and for the nation. A pupil learns more from what a teacher is and does than from what a teacher teaches. Teachers can be classified into three categories (1) complaining teacher (2) explaining teacher (3) inspiring teacher.


CONCLUSION: The process of identifying the social, cultural and personal challenges are important steps unless we know clearly what our obstacles are both internally and from the social, political, and economic environment we cannot be realistic in our development of values. These important ingredients has often gone missing from programs that seek to teach values and have contributed to their lack of success. This paper set out to provide a practical framework for the large scale implementation of a national value education program.

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